Monday, July 2, 2012

Carrying On

Suddenly aware of the grimace on his face, Avalanche bit back bile and tried to soften his expression. Sarah wasn't meaning to prod at a sore wound.

"That wasn't the finish. Not that fast. Not with him looking like a pro, popping right up after something like that." He scowled still, averting his eyes. "I didn't expect it to be over so soon."

"Hey, this was a temp thing, right? Did you HEAR them out there? There's no way they won't take this higher. This might be the feud of the season, you know. They've got a pretty huge show on the road, you might have heard of it?" Her tone is partially comforting and partially the sound of her knocking on his head as if no one was home verbally.

"Yeah. Yeah, you've got a point..." He still had that wounded, angry tone about him but his was trying to let it go. "Besides, that had to have hurt him more than it hurt my pride." He shot her a mischievous grin.


It turned out he was closer to the truth than he imagined. The phone call happened the next day with their actual booker. Of course, now the term "Booker" was referred to as some corporate sounding title, Vice Executive something something something.

"You're kidding me. He said that?"

"Out like a light, he says. Doesn't remember a thing after the Landslide."

Avalanche twisted the phone cord of the hotel around his fingers anxiously. "Of course he doesn't. He's not the type to steal someone else's-"

"Remember who you're talking to, Castille. Just because you got a reaction doesn't mean we have to do anything with you, especially if your attitude is as bad as his."

As his. Mr. Corporate Office was reminding him that he had to play hardball, but that tacked on bit at the end let Warren know that his assessment was definitely not inaccurate.

"What do you want to do, exactly?"

"Limited engagement. For now. We'll let him have his victory now, we'll build you coming back to have the last word. You know, standard heel/face chemistry leading up to the big showdown."

"I know what you mean, I'm just usually on the receiving side of this sort of thing." He let a small laugh escape him, his head swimming at how casual this conversation was taking place.

"Yeah, don't I know it. I'll be in touch. We won't need you at teevee tonight but I'd keep your week clear just in case."

"Alright." He paused, thinking better of it. "Can I come by anyway? It might be a good idea to float backstage, get some quality time with the locker room and all."

Mr. Corporate Office paused, thinking it over. "No fights."

"No fights."

"Alright, you know the way, then. Try not to be seen, either. You know the deal." The audible click of the receiver signaled the end of their talk. The plastic phone wasn't even cooled off before he was on his way out to his car, already on the line to delay his return flight.

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